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Lila Thulin keyboard writing name

Nice to meet you, website visitor. I'm Lila Thulin, a journalism jack-of-all-trades and winner of my middle school's sixth grade summer reading contest (my grand prize: four dollars stapled to a package of fruit snacks). Most of all, I'm a storytelling enthusiast who knows a good yarn (in any medium) can help us understand ourselves, each other, and the world we live in.

Right now, I'm the managing editor of Epic, a journalism startup that finds captivating true stories and turns them first into longform journalism and then film/TV. I wear a lot of hats—think editing, project managing, finding the perfect illustrator for a piece—but my favorites all have to do with story, whether that's diving into archival research or helping a writer figure out which details will hit a certain emotional note.

Before that, I let my museum-nerd side run wild at Smithsonian, where I started off as an editorial assistant and left an associate special projects editor. I got to mastermind a new virtual events business during the pandemic, packages like this one about women's fight for the vote, and a slew of newsletters. I also wrote a lot of features I'm proud of. 


I'm also an alumna of WashingtonianSlate, and Denver's alt-weekly, Westword. (My LinkedIn lives here, if you need it.)

I grew up in Utah but headed to California to attend Stanford University, from which I graduated with honors in 2017 with a B.A. in Human Biology (an interdisciplinary major that drew on everything from molecular biology to social psychology), a minor in Creative Writing with a nonfiction concentration, and the ability to bike no-handed.

I'm a fan of: mountains, modern dance, a well wrought sentence, feminist history, and cross-country road trips to new places.

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Feel free to contact me with freelance or employment opportunities (I'm happy to provide a resume or references), questions, or (polite; no trolling please) thoughts on my writing.


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